Tuesday, July 27, 2010


If you follow my Twitter account, you might have seen me making an unexplained countdown over the last few months. Well, early this morning, I declared that I was done. Again, I didn't say with what. So what's this all been about?

It's been about Return of Jetman, actually. I was counting down the number of sequences I had left to complete the final story in this ongoing saga. And if you can put two and two together, you realize that at approximately 1:45 this morning, I finished what I have been referring to as "principal writing" in my notes for this project.

Yes, it's done. It's been proofread. I just printed out a hard copy, and I'll be checking over that too. There's still the chance that things will need to be changed somewhere along the way. That's normal. But the heavy lifting - the actual writing of the story and making sure it has a beginning, middle, and end - well, it's finished.

I've written a lot about ROJ, in addition to writing a lot of it, and obviously, that's not going to change. It does beg the question of how I feel at this moment. What's it like to finally reach the point where the hardest part of a project is done?

I'm ready. Ready for it to reach this seriously belated conclusion. Make no mistake, I'm pretty proud of what I have in my hands. The file for this piece of work is the single largest text file for any story I've written in this cycle. But I've expended a huge amount of time and brainpower to get here. I'm ready for it all to be out there for the people to see. Whether they like it or not is another matter entirely. Sure hope so.

Alas, I must leave you tantalized for awhile. The site's schedule is set up and I am loathe to try to jump the gun. We're currently at Episode 9 of the first ROJ series, and reaching a rather critical juncture in the narrative. The new series won't be returning to the site until September.

So, mark your calendars now, friends! New Return of Jetman Episode 7 - "Just Imagine!" will be making its premiere on October 26, 2010. I know that's three months away, but the journey there is going to be very interesting indeed.

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